Sunday, 29 July 2012

Stories as Learning Resources for Children with Autism

Why Stories are good tools for teaching children with autism?
Stories are like visual cues, providing the children with concrete illustration of concepts and events otherwise too abstract for them to fully understand. For example, someone may not understand why you feel upset about certain issues when you verbally express to them your opinions. However, if you show them a documentary that is engaging to their senses visually and mentally, they may be able to relate to your cause better.

Stories that are interesting and engaging or appeal to the children's interests are likely to bring across ideas and concepts more effectively than traditional classroom methods.
For example, children are seen to be more interactive when presented with medias that are plotted with story lines.

Stories have a structure from beginning to end. This gives children with autism a sense of security and comfort as they are able to witness for themselves the systematic unfolding of events and steps of concepts.

Stories allow children with autism to relate what they have read or seen to their everyday life. As stories present concepts in a more concrete manner, they are able to apply what they have absorbed into everyday living. Studies have shown that children are prone to imitate and learn from visuals and medias (good and bad) that they are exposed to. This is why it is important to write stories that encourage the behaviours you want the child to develop.

Stories provide a platform for children with autism to role play. More and more emphasis over the years have been placed on role playing as a method to learn social skills and communication for children with autism. Stories provide the scripts for such role play.

How to write stories?
One of the more popular story telling tool is the Social Stories created by Carol Grey. There are many websites online and books available on how to write tour own social stories. You might want to check this out. You can also find out more about Social Stories from the official Social Stories website,

I usually write my own stories to work with my students. The stories are usually created according to the child's literary and understanding level. Events are laid out step by step to make them earning and understanding concrete for the child. Email or contact me for more ideas.

Stories can be used to target behavioural issues such as the following:

Saying hello
Using the public toilet
Staying calm
Talking politely

I am sure there are many behaviours out there that need addressing an stories are indeed a great tool for teaching positive behaviours. No matter where uou are, if you have any questions or need help in developing a story for your child, email me at for a free consultation.

Till then, please visit my website, to find out more about the services I provide in Singapore.

With deepest regards,
Daven. :) Email me at

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